family lawyer, solicitor, advocate attorney Turkey, family residence annotation Turkey, Turkish family residence rights, annotation Turkey
1.What is ''Family Residence Annotation''?
The spouse who lives in a residence designated as a family residence, but is not the owner of this residence, may apply to the land registry office and request an annotation for the protection of the rights arising from the law. After the land registry office receives the request and determines that the conditions are met, it will register a "family residence annotation" on the family residence.
The family dwelling annotation limits the power of disposal on the property without the consent of the non-owner spouse.
2. How to put a ''Family Residence Annotation'' on to the residence?
Spouse not owned; You can apply to the Land Registry Directorate together with the current population registration sample, the mukhtar's document showing that the spouses live together in the family residence, and the identity card and ask for a family residence annotation. As a result of the application to be made after the completion of the documents we have specified, if it is determined that the conditions are met, the family residence annotation is placed on the same day. The family housing annotation entered into the title deed is notified to the spouse who owns it.
3.What Should Be Done Against The Transactions Made On The Family Residence?
The spouse, whose consent is not obtained against the transaction made on the family residence without the consent of the other spouse, can file a lawsuit for the cancellation of the transaction.
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